One Science Micronized Creatine Monohydrate natural creatine powder delivers potent muscle-building creatine to muscle cells, resulting in increase in muscle strength, power, and energy.
One Science Micronized Creatine Monohydrate has been micronized by reducing large creatine molecules into smaller particles to optimize bioavailability and absorption.
One Science Micronized Creatine Monohydrate serves as an energy source in your muscle cells, helping to increase strength and reduce fatigue allowing you to lift heavier & improve physical performance.
We recommend you to take at least 3g of Creatine for the salutary effects on your overall body. In the first week, divide your body weight in kilograms by 3 and take that amount of creatine in grams. After that, make sure to take half of that amount and let the body maintain itself. USe creatine immediately after the gym workout, on an empty stomach. Mix 3 grams of creatine in 250 ml of the liquid of your choice to get the best results.
Weight | 300gm |
Flavour | Unflavoured |
Vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian | Vegetarian |
Number of Servings | 100 |
Serving Size | 3 gm |
Manufactured In | Hungary |
Form | Powder |
Goal/Concern | Athletic performance and increase muscle mass |
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